Saturday, February 28, 2009

Zak's wedding.

Megan's friend Zak from high school got married today. It was a lovely wedding. Here's a picture of Megan and Luke all dressed up for the wedding.

The funny part of this story is that I bought a lovely black dress to wear, but forgot my black bra so Megan stopped by the house and picked it up. She then brought it to me at the church, so I change out of one bra into another in the bathroom stall. And then hid the white one in my purse. It did find this whole situation pretty comical.


Anonymous said...

I was going to send this link to Luke until I saw that had a story about your bra in it...Then I thought it might make him blush.

Anonymous said...

And then I sent it to him anyway...

Mullismayhem said...

It made me blush while i was in the bathroom of the church.