Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wondering how Megan is doing?

Thanks for asking. She is faring fairly well. She is back at school. She has passed all her tests, and starts finals on Friday. The sad thing for her is that she will do the research portion of her clinicals first, which means she is not out of the classroom quite yet. The good news is that can be done more easily than OB on crutches. She will still be on crutches for part of her second rotation, which is psych. She has been blessed with many meals that she has frozen portions of them so she can reheat those for dinner. Her roommate Jessica takes her laundry done the stairs and then brings it back up when it is finished. Megan can manage the stairs to do the laundry, but can't get it up or down the stairs. She is still needing people to walk her dogs for her. The downtown community from her church has really pitched in to help with that. She can swim, which is nice. She has some calluses on her hands which is a bummer. She has great muscles in her arms which is good, but none really in her left leg which is not so good. Anyway, she cannot put any weight on her left lef for a little over two more months. That's the scoop.

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