Tuesday, April 8, 2008

All that is left is the trim.

The good news is that I had the afternoon "free" because of my allergice reaction. I finally finished painting our bathroom. I don't love these colors either, but it is sooooo much better than the yellow. The ceiling and the top of the walls are "Arabian sand" and the bottom part is "wagon something" They seem to have hint of red in them to me. Which may be what I don't like. I like red to be RED. However, I don't dislike them enough to paint over them again. I just think they are a little boring. It's funny because I LOVE the colors in the rest of the house. I think I just can't quite get it right and I am too tired to care anymore. I did make the level where the "wagon something" starts different in the water closet because I thought the change might make it a little less boring and as a bonus I think it will bug my kids. :-)
These are the baskets I bought at Hobby Lobby. I finally got them in my tower. I really like them, and it make the tower even more useful. Look Megan an attempt at some organization. Woo Hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like those baskets. In fact, I am coveting them, as we speak. They look really good in there.