Saturday, September 27, 2008

First coat of baguette.

My friend Marie (from the quilt guild I belong to) called this morning to offer her services for the shop. I thought she meant for teaching a quilting class, but she meant right now. She said she is very excited about the shop and would love to help with whatever I need. She likes to paint and has done lots of it. We made a date for painting Tuesday evening, but I told her to come on over and at least take a look at what we have done. Anyway, she and her daughter Sammy came over not to just look, but to paint. With their help, we got about 7/8 of the room painted with the first coat of paint. WOO HOO!

Here I am barely half way along the first wall. This is where they joined me.
I don't think the brick will need a second coat. At least the parts that already had paint on it.

Joseph the drywall guy, got the air conditioning vent drywalled in. It needs to be sanded and primed and then it too can get a coat of paint.
Look, we now have a sink in the counter. Yeah!

While the girls painted the walls Robert sanded they "I" beams and got most of them primed. All in all a pretty productive day in the shop. And boy is my shoulder letting me know about it.
We tried a different stain on the concrete in the kids area, since it will be covered with the mats. I like it even less than the red in the office/break room. But, I do love the paint.


Anonymous said...

it's peach! I'm kidding.

I love the progress. Robert showed it to me yesterday afternoon.

Mullismayhem said...

if it is peach, i have to paint it over. :-(