Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So, I went to the polls at 6:15 this morning to get in line, as to not be late for work. We vote in St. John's Tower which is a retirement village. I was forth in line. All the people in line in front of me had those fancy walker chair things. I was the youngest on there by probably 25 years. As I sat on the ground and listened to some seasoned voting veterans, I got comments about how they would sit on the ground except they would not be able to get up and that the ground now seemed farther down than it used too. While sitting there I got my foot run over by a motorized wheel chair. Owe. Then "Roberta" a toothless woman that lives in section 8 housing and works at the civic center came in and entertained all of us with stories and jokes. (not all of which were PG-13). By the time I left there was a fair crowd in line to vote. My experience was not to be out done by Robert who stood in line for 35 minutes 15 of those minutes with the fire alarm going off. All in all it was a very interesting voting experience.

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