Monday, December 24, 2007

Making Candy.

Megan asked me a couple of weeks ago if we could make some candy together during Christmas break. She remembered my Mom and I making candy together, and wanted to do that as well. Megan and I have cooked and baked together, but not really made candy together. So, today we made peanut butter balls, Texas skillet candy, and turtles. It felt different to be the Mom and to teach Megan about candy making, instead of being the daughter and learning from my Mom. Weird too, because I haven't made candy since my Mom died and I don't feel like it is something I'm very good at. Anyway, we had lots of fun and made lots of candy most of which we sent to the E.R. for Megan's co-workers that have to work tonight and tomorrow. Some of which will go to the Plochas for dinner tonight and some of which we will keep for us to have. It was nice to have that time with Megan and do something that was such a tradition with and for my Mom. Thanks Megan, I really enjoyed the day.

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