Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One of these things is not like the other.....

So, last week on Wednesday my right foot was really hurting me, and it really didn't get much better as the week progressed. So, I asked my PA student what she thought it could be...and after some questions she said she thought it might be a stress fracture of my fifth metatarsal. I went to the sports medicine clinic today and the doc there said he thought I had a stress fracture of my fifth metatarsal, so I am in this lovely boot thing for two weeks, then we re-xray it and decide what to do from there. Oh, boy. The good news it that my foot feels better in the boot, the bad news is my calf and hip don't.


Anonymous said...

nothing good comes from those boots! Debbie

Mullismayhem said...

nope, my foot feels better, but my hip and calf hurt!

agirlinawhirl said...

sorry to read about your foot...and hubby's hand. You guys need to take it easy! Quick question...could I commission you to do a crib sized quilt with hot air balloons on it...or maybe just one balloon. There are absolutely no baby comforters with hot air balloons anywhere..Argh! We find out what baby is on Tuesday and then I can pick colors. Let me know what you think.