Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Not So Giant Dahlia Class.

Here's the class that Debbie and I took today. It is "the not so giant Dahlia" The bright fabric is hand dyed by Stacy Michell the teacher of the class. The interesting thing is that she lives about 20 minutes from Debbie in Marietta. The classroom at Branhum's Sewing Center was a very nice well equipped space. We spent about two hours cutting out the hand dyed fabrics. The star in the middle is a 16 point star. That is a big deal in the quilting world. I will say that I felt like the star turned out very well, though it took a lot of time to cut and sew it. I think that this might be the most complicated quilt I have ever worked on with the 16 point star and the curved piecing. But, I am excited about working on it.
So, here is what we got finished. I did get an arc and a half done, but was too lazy to pull them out. Debbie is a faster quilter than I am, so she got four arcs done. Also, she choose the"brights" and I choose the "autumn" package of hand dyed fabrics which were a little more subdued. It will be interesting to see how they turn out. It was fun to take the class together. The sad part for me is that we won't be able to finish them together during a fabric therapy session. But I am counting the blessing of taking the class togher.

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