Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Some Colorado people that did not get mentioned, but mean a lot to us.

Andy, Marcie, Andy and Jessie graciously let us bunk in their spare room. The whole week. They were flexible (esp. since Mr. Organization (Robert) wasn't on the trip and Miss Organization (Megan) was finishing up rotations and taking finals, so I called Marcie the week before to let her know we were coming. Anyway, we had a blast hanging out with them. "Young" Andy and Jessie have grown into great young adults. They love Jesus and are funny and gracious. It is funny how I see my kids grown into adults, but don't think that other people kids are doing the same thing. Also, a couple of times Andy, Marcie, Megan and I would be having our quiet times all at the same time. All four of us with our Bibles and lap tops. Thanks Stewarts.
We also got to see my brother, and his family for a short time while we were there. We met them for dinner. Mike and Karen and Karen's mom Verna were moving their boys Michael and Shane from Ft. Collins and Greeley to Denver. I don't envy them as the high the day they were actually moving them was supposed to be 5. We enjoyed our time, though short with them as well. What you don't get to see in the picture is that just before this was taken I was backing up and taking the picture and tripped backwards and sat right down on a short wall that had a couple of inches of snow on it. So, everyone got a chuckle out of it and I got a cold bum.

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