Saturday, September 15, 2007

White coat ceremony.

Today was Megan's white coat ceremony for PA school. My Dad, Carol, Jim and Nick came down to celebrate with us. They got in last night. The ceremony was this morning. Then my Dad made his world famous barbecued ribs. Michael and his parents came to the ceremony and then came to our house in the evening for dinner along with Michael's sister Julianna. A good time was had by all. I am very proud of Megan. The PA class did a great job with the ceremony. There were over 300 people there cheering on their PA student. Which is pretty impressive for a class of 41 students.

Megan's slide saying "thank you" for your support.
The crisp white coat and shiny PA school pin.
Woo Hoo! Way to go Megan!
Trying not to get red punch on the new white coat.
Megan and Michael.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! She looks so professional and grown up! When did that happen? What about the torn, patched blue jeans? What happened to the hair covering the face to hide? Thanks so much for sharing these. Now I have to stop reading your back-logged blogs (tongue twister) and go and comment on her Facebook! Isn't technology wonderful?